Friday, August 27, 2010

HEB Trip 8/27/10-Only $5.37

I went to HEB to get stuff for hamburgers and this is what I got:

Fiesta Season All $1.29
Fiesta Season All $1.29
HCF Hamburger Buns $.86
Ground Meat Patties $4.04
Ground Meat Patties $3.89
HEB Dr.B $.50
HEB Dr.B $.50
HEB Wild Red $.50
HEB Root Beer $.50
Total $13.37
-$2.00 OYNO HEB Products
-$3.00 off any Beef when you buy Fiesta Seasoning
-$3.00 off any Beef when you buy Fiesta Seasoning
Total OOP $5.37!

For more grocery store deals go to
Grocery Store Deals on WeUseCoupons

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